My interview with Jake’s Take
I sit down and talk to Jacob Elyachar about my music, the inspiration behind my songs, my sync placement on Batwoman, and my upcoming releases!
My interview with Luna Keller on her radio station Why Doesn’t Everyone Know These Songs
I dive into all the inspiration behind my debut album, “Show Them”.❤️
Praise for Debut Album “Show Them”
The Honey Pop
“The definition of female empowerment”
Unclear Magazine
“Powerful and dramatic”
“Reminiscent of dark pop artists like BANKS”
Madness to Creation
“Themes of inner strength and self-discovery dominate”
Roadie Music
“A true masterpiece…filled with emotion and commotion…the entire production of each song is breathtaking”
Indie Music Center
“Like a book that you walk through while devouring each chapter with desire and passion…from the darkest times to the moment when you finally find the light, all the songs may speak to you”
JPG Chief
“A great force of inspiration, it’s the project of bringing light into the darkness of people suffering from unhealthy relationships”
Indie Criollo
“…leaves us a beautiful excuse to feel more alive than ever and that no one can stop us”
Week in Pop
“Breaks from the trappings of illusory contentment with a proclamation of living out your truth... a statement of self, proving the naysayers and negative forces wrong"
Batwoman - 4.18.21 - “Burn It Down”
My first official placement was pretty surreal! This clip gave me goosebumps.
Telemundo Interview - 11.5.19 - Music Video “Don’t You Pretend”
My interview on Telemundo was pretty surreal. They played my music video “Don’t You Pretend” and asked me about my roots and where I was inspired to pursue my dream of being a singer-songwriter, which was of course Tenerife.
Interview with KMS Review
Jacqueline Loor speaks to Florian Maier with KMS Reviews about the inspiration behind her music, the reason she writes, her process of songwriting and producing, and her upcoming projects and collaborations.
Reviews of “Just Let Me Breathe”
"Just Let Me Breathe" pairs the voices of Loor and Evans powerfully together, creating a haunting track that explores the desire to forge one's own path and push through society's daily demands.”
“The track once again highlights Loor’s incredible ability to demonstrate her breathtaking emotional vocal range.”
“…her enchantingly haunting voice & unique emotional sound…instant memorable factor, is a strong statement to their unique talents.”
“This tune is a statement, but it’s done so carefully that it almost feels dangerous. In a way, listening to ‘Just Let Me Breathe’ feels like walking on thin ice. There’s this unique vibe woven in there, stating ‘hear what I say or handle the consequences’. Only when all things fall in place this feeling can be created.
Reviews of “I Broke My Heart”
"The sincerity of the artist and her undeniable talent for songwriting gives her incredible emotional power. The song slowly builds up to a final part that will make your arm hair stand up vertically. The last-minute of the song is just... breathtaking. Ah! Our famous “goosebumps” are there.”
“The track once again highlights Loor’s incredible ability to demonstrate her breathtaking emotional vocal range.”
“This is the first song that Jacqueline has produced, and she has succeeded marvelously. “I Broke My Heart” is a cinematic, excellently layered piece of music peppered with small details that keep it interesting at all times. It sounds good, but most importantly, evokes emotion, provokes thought and certainly showcases Jacqueline’s strongly emotive personality not only through the writing, but also through the production. It’s raw at times, gentle at others, a bewitching inner monologue delivered with honesty and sensibility. Throughout the song, the textures rise and fall, swell and envelope constructing a dramatic ambience of strings, droning pads and synths and filmic percussion. It’s almost as if the inner voice oscillates between self-blame, and trying to be gentle with one’s self. The (literal) whispers of the consciousness draw us on a spiralling path overfilled with questions and self-doubting thoughts, surging all the way to the painful admission “I’m sadder than anyone else knows. But this not an admission of defeat, it is a merely a first step on the journey of self-healing and self-discovery. ..”
“This tune is a statement, but it’s done so carefully that it almost feels dangerous. In a way, listening to ‘Just Let Me Breathe’ feels like walking on thin ice. There’s this unique vibe woven in there, stating ‘hear what I say or handle the consequences’. Only when all things fall in place this feeling can be created.
Reviews of “Coming Undone”
“Once again Jacqueline Loor knows how to put the spell on you with her voice. … the vocals feel like they are able to slow down time. And this, guys, is my favorite part of the releases of the American multi-talent, I like to call it the ‘Loor effect’. When the lights seem to be dimmed all of a sudden, when everything is happening in slow motion while you hang on to her voice with undivided attention. There are artists out there that are able to have the listener laser focused on every nuance of their voice, and in my opinion Loor is one of these rare talents.”
— KMS Reviews
“I like the powerful vocals. Besides, the cinematic elements are outstanding…I am also a fan of the solid hooks and smooth drums.
Lyrically, the song is very impressive. Jacqueline wrote Coming Undone for her identical twin sister who she wanted to help get out of a toxic relationship.
The singer-songwriter always delivers, she’s so talented.”
— Lefuturewave
Interview on the podcast Outside the Photo Pit
Listen to what my songs are all about, who and what inspires me, how I got to where I am today, and everything in between.
KMS Reviews
“Her vocal range is impressive, but not only regarding scale, for me its impressive because of the emotional range she can trigger. There’s a certain playful attitude to the vocals attached, her singing is like watching butterflies flying by. Fragile as it seems, but lightweight and seemingly just enjoying their surrounding. I guess that to a certain point, Loor herself is a butterfly in her own environment. Aware of the danger out there, she’s just singing these negative thoughts away. The later added male vocals for the duet part are adding a base element and feel like the song is maturing, but with the next chorus part it’s clear that the beautiful butterfly Loor cannot be contained.
“It’s Not On Me” emphasizes on the singer/songwriters ability to be the center of attention just with using her voice. And this voice is able to tear walls down – or let tears run down your face. It’s clear to me that Loor is in full control of what mood she triggers in the listener.”
Reviews for “It’s Not On Me”
Stitched Sound said, “…her latest masterpiece today comes in the form of “It’s Not On Me”, which premiere’s today. It is a breathtaking single that brings her essence to life. As Loor sings her way into the New Year, she’s already appeared on Telemundo this month and shows no signs of slowing down. The New Year will be good to Jacqueline Loor as she puts her heart and soul into her music."
Indie Music Discovery wrote, “…delivers honest, emotional, authentic songs with potent melodies and an impressive vocal range. Unafraid to expose her vulnerabilities, Jacqueline is able to capture feelings and thoughts in her music that many would be hesitant or afraid to openly share, especially with a wider audience.
It’s Not On Me is Loor’s latest single and is a downtempo jam featuring powerful lead guitar lines, passionate piano, smooth acoustic guitar, and a vocal performance that grabs listeners and carries them through the entirety of the track.
As the song builds, you can feel the emotions building inside you until they’re ready to burst. As I mentioned before, Jacqueline has this ability to not only capture emotions in song but also portray those feelings directly to the listener…quite an impressive feat.”
The Indie Source wrote, “Jacqueline Loor's stunning new single hits the world today in the form of "It's Not On Me." The follow up to her most recent hit making waves "Don't You Pretend," which captured our eyes and ears a couple of weeks ago, Loor is back at it again.
"It's Not On Me," is an epic and charming piece from the artist who has been quickly creating a name for herself. Taking the reins on the song, you can tell that Loor's creativity flows from start to finish as the piece comes from a seemingly personal and touching place.”
“…she brings to the world her own unique vision that will entice your ears from start to finish. …with memorable melodies and a strong message, she will win over your hearts and ears one note at a time.
Jacqueline Loor clearly has an undeniable talent in bringing to light the deepest emotions people bury because of fear, and pairing it with an unforgettable melody. This talent along with her passion and drive to be heard really shows this is just the beginning for Jacqueline Loor, and there is no telling where this promising artist will be headed, but you are NOT going to want to miss it!”
— Buzzfeed Community, Sarah Wagner